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Facebook gives $40m to Black-owned businesses hard hit by Covid-19

Facebook on Thursday launched a $40 million grant program for Black-owned businesses hit by the coronavirus pandemic — part of the company's broader initiative to help Black communities, which it announced...

Big tech gears up to fight meddling in the upcoming US...

A coalition of big tech companies in the United States of America are collaborating with the government security agencies to prevent a repetition of...

Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon told their ‘monopoly’ could be illegal

Lawmakers in the United States have told Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon their clout could be illegal and the government is working on doing...

Tech giants CEOs grilled by US Congress ahead of possible SMP...

Over the course of a nearly six-hour grilling on Wednesday, the CEOs of Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Google had to fend off inquiries from the US Congress about...
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