Freedom Coin: Everything you need to know about the new crypto coin making waves in Ghana


Freedom coin is a new crypto token currently making waves in Ghana. Since it was unveiled by Ghanaian business mogul and the 2021 Forbes Social Entrepreneurship Leadership award winner Nana Kwame Bediako, AKA Freedom Jacob Caeser, the coin has generated a lot of public discussion about the legality of the said cryptocurrency.

The Freedom coin, according to Nana Kwame Bediako, is going to allow the average Ghanaian and African youth to acquire economic Freedom and to be in charge of their future.

“I want the common African to comprehend how to have the simple notion to live life by investing and developing rather than simply educating themselves and looking for work. I want to give them the opportunity to acquire economic independence, be in charge of their own wealth and future,” he stated.

Meanwhile, in a swift response, the Central Bank of Ghana issued a statement cautioning the general public that it had not given ‘Freedom coin‘ its clearance to operate and that the company would need to obtain a BOG license before operating in the country’s Banking and Payments sector.

However, Freedom Jacob Caesar, through his company also released a statement indicating that “It did not need approval from the Bank of Ghana to make the announcement”. Meanwhile, It further questioned the BOG ‘preemptive’ statement, emphasizing that the press release has created a false impression for the company, & in the process, ‘casting doubts in the minds of Ghanaians. However, they are calling on the general public to keep supporting them in this endeavor.


Freedom coin ghana

Summary: Here is what you need to know about freedom Coin in Ghana


What is Freedom coin?

According to Yahoo Finance, the Freedom coin is a digital token that will aid in digitizing the African continent, as well as a solution to the ever-fluctuating African currencies and economy. Freedom coin is slated to be the first native utility token for Africa.

Who is the Owner of Freedom coin?

Freedom Coin belongs to Ghanaian Business mogul and avant-garde fashion icon Nana Kwame Bediako, AKA Freedom Jacob Caeser or Cheddar. He is the founder and CEO of the Kwarleyz Group, which comprises five(5) companies including New Africa Construction, Wonda World Estates, Petronia City Development, etc.

When will Freedom coin be officially launched?

At the moment, Freedom coin has only been unveiled to the general public. According to the company’s press statement, it will in subsequent days and weeks, or months release the general scope of the Freedom coin project. Currently, You can only sign up for newsletter updates from their website.freedom coin ghana

Is Freedom coin a cryptocurrency?

According to the press statement by the company, Freedom coin is not a cryptocurrency. The only mention of Freedom coin being a cryptocurrency was mere speculations by the media.

Why Freedom coin?

According to Yahoo Finance, Cheddar intends to use freedom coin to teach African kids about the crypto sector and how they may invest in digital banking because digital transactions are the world’s future.

This article was originally published by


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